Interview with Miggy Hizon

11 June 2024

The World Yo-yo Contest 2024, the most prestigious event in the yo-yo calendar, is set to dazzle enthusiast and spectators alike in the dynamic city of Cleveland. From July 31 to August 1, the world’s finest yo-yo players will gather to compete, demonstrating their unparalleled skill and creativity across various divisions. The annual contest represents the pinnacle of yo-yo excellence, where best vie for the coveted world titles. Miggy Hizon who is throwing for Duncan and currently sitting 4th in the world will again represent the Philippines in this prestigious event. Let’s get to know Miggy in my short interview with him.

1. Can you introduce yourself and tell us where you are from?

  • Hello! I’m Miggy Hizon, born in Bulacan, raised in Marikina City!

2. How long have you been yoyoing?

  • I’ve been Yoyoing for 15 years already.

Inspiration and Beginnings

3. What inspired you to start yoyoing?

  • There was a yoyo craze in school when I was in the 5th grade so I started to pick up a yoyo with my classmates. Also, the TV series “Blazing Teens” was also airing on TV that time and I was amazed by the character’s tricks.

4. Who are your most admired/role model yoyo players?

  • I mostly get my 5a trick inspirations from Bryan Jardin and Takeshi Matsuura. On the performance aspect, especially on body movements and music use, I try to get inspiration from Gentry Stein. 

Preparation for the World Yoyo Contest

5. What division are you competing in?

  • 5a or Freehand Style!

6. How do you prepare for worlds?

  • During weekdays, I practice after work for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  • On weekends, I practice for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 3 hours.

7. Do you have any specific routines or rituals before performing?

  • Pray 🙏
  • Body stretching
  • Wash my hands and face 5 minutes prior to my freestyle to remove sweat and make my hands and arms smooth.


8. What yoyo are you using for the contest?

  • I’m using the Duncan GTR-JS, the signature yoyo of Indonesian Champ, Jonathan Sitanggang!

9. What string are you using?

  • KittyString Yellow – Fat!

Personal Insights

10. What do you think sets you apart from other contestants?

  • I think what sets me apart from other contestants is that I value trick cleanliness and music use. Also, I try to incorporate other divisions’ elements into my 5a.

11. How do you handle nerves and pressure during a performance?

  • I usually get nervous and pressured when I make a mistake during my freestyle. I try to overcome my nervousness by focusing on the next tricks and by talking to myself, saying that I should be calm.
  • Praying also helps me during my freestyle, especially whenever there is a risky trick coming up.
  • Also, I try to move around from one place to another to lessen my nervousness.

13. Who do you think is to watch out for among your competition?

  • There are too many good 5a players, my top 5 would be (not in order):
    • Sora Ishikawa
    • Lee Ji Hoo
    • Yoshihiro Abe
    • Quoc Anh
    • Shigehiro Yamada

14. Any message/advice to all those who are also aspiring to compete at the World Yoyo Contest?

  • Avoid focusing on one style. Being able to do many styles is the current meta right now.
  • Be open to criticisms. Take it as a lesson or a motivation to become better. 
  • Compete as much as you can while you are still capable and young. It’s hard to compete when you’re already working. Lol.
  • Most importantly, don’t give up! Win or lose you’ll learn something.

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